martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012
jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012
moral dilemmas
Judy was a twelve-year-old girl. Her mother promised her that she could go to a special rock concert coming to their town if she saved up from baby-sitting and lunch money to buy a ticket to the concert. She managed to save up the fifteen dollars the ticket cost plus another five dollars. But then her mother changed her mind and told Judy that she had to spend the money on new clothes for school. Judy was disappointed and decided to go to the concert anyway. She bought a ticket and told her mother that she had only been able to save five dollars. That Saturday she went to the performance and told her mother that she was spending the day with a friend. A week passed without her mother finding out. Judy then told her older sister, Louise, that she had gone to the performance and had lied to her mother about it. Louise wonders whether to tell their mother what Judy did.
1. Should Louise, the older sister, tell their mother that Judy lied about the money or should she keep quiet? 1a. Why?
2. In wondering whether to tell, Louise thinks of the fact that Judy is her sister. Should that make a difference in Louise's decision? Why or why not?
3. Does telling have anything to do with being a good daughter? Why or why not?
4. Is the fact that Judy earned the money herself important in this situation? Why or why not?
5. The mother promised Judy she could go to the concert if she earned the money. Is the fact that the mother promised the most important thing in the situation? Why or why not?
6. Why in general should a promise be kept?
7. Is it important to keep a promise to someone you don't know well and probably won't see again? Why or why not?
8. In thinking back over the dilemma, what would you say is the most responsible thing for Louise to do in this situation?
miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012
Esta es la ley que regula lo que se refiere al Consejo Escolar. Busca en ella y contesta a las siguientes preguntas:
a) ¿Cuáles son, desde tu punto de vista, las tres principales competencias del Consejo Escolar? (artículo 51)
b) ¿Quién puede convocar una reunión del Consejo Escolar? (artículo 52)
c) ¿Qué alumnos del Consejo Escolar no podrían participar en la elección o cese del director? (artículo 52)
d) ¿Cuándo será la próxima vez que se convoquen elecciones al Consejo Escolar? (artículo 53.1)?
e) ¿Qué artículo regula el proceso de elección de los representantes del alumnado?
f) ¿Qué es la Comisión de Convivencia? (artículo 66)?
Esta misma ley es la que regula los Derechos y deberes del alumnado (artículos 2 y 3). Haz una tabla donde recojas si crees que tú, y, en general, los alumnos del Instituto, cumplís esos deberes, y si se respetan, en general, los derechos de los alumnos.
miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012
1º) Read the first part of the entry for Ethics in Wikipedia and answer these questions:
a) What is another way to say "Ethics"?
b) "Ethics" is a branch of the.........
c) Mention the main branch of ethics
2º) Read the first part of the entry for Applied Ethics in Wikipedia and answer these questions:
a) Write the definition for Applied Ethics.
b) Write six specific examples of six Applied Ethic´s issues, according to this definition (Bioethical is not a good example, I ask for more specific examples).
c) Mention some branch of Applied Ethics.
3º) Read the first part of the entry for Medical Ethics and the introduction to the section about "values in methical ethics" in Wikipedia and answer these questions.
a) What is Medical Ethics?
b) Mention six important values in this field.
c) In this context, what is a dilemma? Does a dilemma have a good solution? Why? What is an example of a dilemma between autonomy and beneficence in Wikipedia?
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