miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

What doesn't work in our education?

28 comentarios:

  1. Julio Muñoz Martínez13 de febrero de 2013, 7:19

    This video is about the education of the world, the United States, and some country for example Finland. In the video a minister of United States visit Finland and she sees as teachers work in this country. The minister go to some schools and see how teachers teach. the teacher of Finland explain to the minister they are very prepared to teach. The minister for education of Finland teach to the other persons some comparative tables to the all country in the world and Finland this in all of the first.

    Julio Muñoz Martínez 3C

    1. Elena Rosado Gutierrez 3ºC
      the difference between the education of Finland an de Spanish education are:
      FE: there are few pupils in a class (18-20). It isn't usually thaht a class have more than this.
      SE: there are more children and the next years are goint to be more and more

      FE: It's very difficult become teacher because the career of teacher it's only for profesional people and only a few workers pass.
      SE: It's very easy become teacher and we think that it isn´t very important

      FE: the teacher only devote a few minuts for the teach individually and teh rest of time the they work with the parents, others teachers,etc.
      SE: the teacher spend a lot of time for the teach individually and don't meet with the parents.

      FE: they spend more time for the subjects (maths,science,) because they need more concentration.
      SE: they haven't got a system for improve the marks.

  2. This video talks about the education of students and the respect and the administration of U.S. teachers, classroom teachers need to help students and teachers respect students that teachers help children and are also with reference to Finland is one of the countries where there is greater number of approved and also make reference to the professionalism of teachers in Finland that teachers are more PhDs in this area, teachers are more confident, and help students and make the class more interactive.
    Jesús Manuel Maldonado Cámara 3ºC

  3. This video speak about the schools and teachers of Finland. The procentage of approved is more good because the education system is complete and practise. The training of the teachers is very good, which facilitates that they could educate his pupils of a suitable form. In addition, the number of children for class is minor enough that the existing one in other developed countries.
    Marina Montilla Moreno, 3º C.

  4. The video is about the pupils an the teachers in the schools of finland,The most people past the exam. The minister of USA go to some school and saw all the teachers teach. The minister for education of Finland teach to the other persons some comparative tables to the all country in the world and Finland this in all of the first.

  5. The video talks about the schools in Finland , the minister of USA visited the minister of Finland with the objective of learn what is the important things to have good results like Finland one of the best countries in marks of schools , they use comparative tables and teach his main functions.The teachers are more quality, they also make reference to the professionalism of teachers in Finland , teachers are more confident, and help students and make the class more interactive, and if you improve the class , the class answer you good, is an interesting video.
    Pedro Jaime Villanueva Piqueras

    1. There are meny differences about the education in Finland and the education in Spain:
      Finland : in their class there are minus pupils (18-22) that the class in Spain.
      Spain : in the Spain's classes there are 32 pupils per class

      Finland : in Finland it's more difficult become teacher because the schools chose a person who are qualified.
      Spain : in Spain the people don't like be teacher and in Spain to become a teacher it's more easy

      Finland : there the teachers spend the begginning of the class to their pupils for the pupils can asked to the teachers. Then the rest of the class is for the teachers work to their parents.
      Spain : in Spain the teachers don't meet with the parents ussually only for the tutorial. The teachers dedicate more time for pupils.

      Finland : the pupils need more explanations because they concentrate more slow.
      Spain : don't need meny explanations.
      I think that Finland is better
      Alvaro J. Moreno Pérez 3ºC

  6. the difference between the education of Finland an de Spanish education are
    there are few pupils in a class (18-20). It isn't usually thaht a class have more than this.
    the teacher only devote a few minuts for the teach individually
    the teacher spend a lot of time for the teach individually
    they spend more time for the subjects (maths,science,) because they need more concentration.
    they haven't got a system for improve the marks

  7. The teacher is the angular stone of the educational Finnish system, in which also the absolute gratuitousness, the solidarity emphasize in class with the most mentally handicapped pupils, the absence of competitiveness, the plurilingüismo and the strong investments in formation and in means. Recently we were publishing an article about The educational Spanish level, to the tail of the developed countries.GEMA TORRES 3ºC
    Gema Torres 3ºC

  8. In this video we can see that in countries like Finland or the United States education is more stable and is more developed in this video we can also note that the United Unidenses visit Finland to see qeu education they possess.
    I think that in these countries, education is better than in ours
    Pedro Antonio Reca Perales 3C

  9. This video is about U.S. persons go to Finland to see education for citizens of Finland.
    Principals of schools teaching in Finland were received with open arms to see the whole school.
    In my opinion I think the country of Spain should go to other countries to see other schools
    Cristian Castillo Hernandez 3C

  10. This is very interesting video on education.
    In Finland education is fantastic and everyone is ordered that work pays of students have notes higher than in any others country in the world. In Finland there are not many students in class and in Spain. Teachers are better equipped than in Spain. The minister over sees the work of teachers and improvement is necessary.

    I think that in education Finland is the best.
    3°C Yanira Ruiz

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. The differences between the Spain Education System and Finland Education System are:

    -They need a master certificate to become a teacher

    It is easy to become a teacher teacher.

    -It is one of best considered professions

    -It is not very well considered

    -Students respect a lot teacher

    -They respect teachers less than in Finland.

    -There are maximun 20 students per class.

    -There are at least 30 students per class.

    -They get higher marks.

    -They get less marks.

    -They do extra activities to improve their levels.

    -They have not many extra classes.

    -They only have 4 hours per day.

    -They have 6 hours per day.

    -Parents can be in class at the lessons.

    -Parents can not be in class at the lessons.

    -They only have a few private schools.

    -There are many private schools

    -There are innovative tool to study

    -There are outdated tools to study.

    3ºC Laura Quintero Romero

  13. Hi,teacher I saw the video and it is really interesting.
    It talk about the education in the world,the talk too the difference between the education in Finland and the education in Spain,there are a lot of diferrent things,the video says a lot of example but that think is the better is that in Finland the class are only for 20 or 22 pupils,and in Spain the class are for 30 or more,and year by year there are more,so it is more difficult to undestand the lessons because are more pupils speaking,or are more quuestions about something so the class is in Finland are better than in Spain.

    Raquel Vílchez Martínez,3ºC.

  14. Hi, Teacher!!!
    On the video, we can see a group of teaders and government responsible people who are speaking about the ohallenges of improving the quality of education in some aspects such as class rates or Rising the amount of time per individual student in order to impooul the level of the education given to the students
    During many years, the most proficient country has been Finland and it has been due to its bet for education that is determinant to avoid school dopping and fastores.
    In condusion, world country needs to learn a lot from USA or Finland to make a better education because it´s the future

    Antonio Jesús Alcalá Perea, 3ºC.

  15. This video spoke about the differences between Finland's education and spanish education. The principal differents are the number of students in a class(in FInland 20 per class and in spain 30), the hours of class(Finlad 4 and spain 6) and the most obvius diffent: the marks, in Finland are better than in Spain. So, finland education is in my opinion with south corea's education the best education system in de world.
    Written by: Luis Felipe Del Río López 3ºD

  16. From what i've undestood, the video show us the main differences between Spanish education and Finland's education. In finnish education, the teachers must have a master certificate and in spanish education it's too easy to be teacher. In Finnish's schools the amount of pupils in the class are about 20 people and here, in Spain the amount are 30 pupils. In my opinion the most important difference is the respect to teachers. In Finland, pupils respect their teachers and in Spain pupils respect less their teachers, and that's really bad. This respect causes the good or bad marks. Here in Spain the marks aren't like in Finland or in USA. The hours or work are more in Spain than in Finland. Finnish teacher's only work 4 hours and our teacher's work 6 hours per day. What I've seen, in Finland they have got a lot of useful and innovate tools for study and in Spain we haven't got a lot of it. I think spanish education should adopt finnish education or american education because this kind of education are one of the best in the world.

    Desirée Montoro Cárdenas 3ºD

  17. This video show the differences between Spanish education and Finland education. In Spain, pupils respect less their teacher and someone don't respect their teacher but in Finland the children respect their teacher. Other difference is that in Spanish education is easy to be teacher an in Finnish education the people who want to be teacher must have a certificate.
    Other thing is that the amount of pupils in Spain is about 30 pupils and in Finland is about 20 pupils. More differences is that the teacher only devote a few minutes for the teach individually and the rest of time they work with the parents, others teachers,etc.and in Spain the teacher spend a lot of time for the teach individually and don't meet with the parents and that in Spain teachers works 6 hours and in Finland works only 4 hours.
    I think that Spanish education must adopt some things of Finland or American education because this kind of education is better.

    Ángeles Soto Pérez

  18. This video show that in Finland's education the teacher are more prepared than Spanish's education and in Finland the students respect more the teachers and for this the classes can develop without break. Other thing is that in Finland's schools there are a lot of teacher and reserve teachers. The teachers in Finland are more preparated. Another thing is that in Spanish's schools there are 30 students in each class but in Finland's schools there are about 15 students in each class. In Finland they have some breaks in each day. Luis Correa Martínez 3ºD

  19. This video is a comparison between our education and finnish one.
    Here we respect (in general) less the teachers than there.
    Also to be a theacher in there is more difficult than here, because you need a certificated or a degree, to be a theacher.
    In Findland, education is performing faster than in another countries.
    Also, teachers work less than here in Spain: they 4 hours, and we 6 hours.
    Francisco Guti,errez Peinado 3ºD

  20. Hello Teacher!! :)
    This video speaks about education in different countries such as Finland or USA. These conuntries are leaders in education because the apply successful policies and their students have resources to avoid school dropping.
    It also suggests to me a comparison whit Spain where education isn´t “ Perfect “ and it has to imitate and adapt the good techniques shown in the video for Spain.
    In my opinion, the idea of adapting is good but we also have to take into account that every country is different and has its own particularities.

    Antonio Jesús Alcalá Perea, 3ºC.

  21. This video is about the education of the schools of Finland, the U.S. minister visited Minister of Finland in order to know what are the important things to be successful, teachers in Finland They use comparative tables and teach his functions.The main teachers are more confident, and help students and make the class more interactive. The minister believes that most of the work of teachers and improvement is necessary

    Javier Navas Sánchez 3ºC

  22. The video shows how education in Finland is and how students and teachers behave. Finnish children are very well prepared and very well educated and teachers have many tools to help the learning of the video alumnos.En minister will visit the United States to see is there education in different school centrs Finland. the video also shows graphs that appear Finland as one of the best performing countries in school grades of alumnos.Y also appears on a chart that Finland scores for second best noted in subjects in math and science.

    Fernando Gonzalez Navarro 3C

  23. the video is about education in Finland than in her teachers are better prepared than in Spain because in Finland there be a teacher is very important. in Spain are very different things related to finland
    By. Angeles Diaz Moral 3ºC

  24. This video is about education in Finland. Education in Finland is much more beacuse, there studies are taken very seriously, in study failure is low and this causes that the students are more prepared than students in Spain. In Spain the education is not taken seriously, Spanish students do not see any future in their studies. Famous generation "ni-ni" proves it. The have been better prepared in school and Institute higher education you are more easily.
    by : Enrique Zamora 3ºD

  25. In the video, you can see te education in Finland. The teachers there are more exigent with the students becouse for them this job is very important and because they know that the students are they future, so they should be prepareted.

    Isabel Arévalo Rodríguez 3ºD.

  26. In this video appears the differences between Finland's education and Spanish education. One difference is that in Spain, teachers work six hours and in Finland, teachers work four hours.Another big difference is that in Spain is a little easier to be a teacher in Finland, because Finland need a certificate and Spain not. And in Spanish class there are thirty pupils, and Finland's class there are 20.
    I think every country has its good and bad qualities, and that we must accept.

    Laura Lendínez Aranda 3ºD
