miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012


1º) Read the first part of the entry for Ethics in Wikipedia and answer these questions:

a) What is another way to say "Ethics"?
b) "Ethics" is a branch of the.........
c) Mention the main branch of ethics

2º) Read the first part of the entry for Applied Ethics in Wikipedia and answer these questions:

a) Write the definition for Applied Ethics.
b) Write six specific examples of six Applied Ethic´s issues, according to this definition (Bioethical is not a good example, I ask for more specific examples).
c) Mention some branch of Applied Ethics.

3º) Read the first part of the entry for Medical Ethics and the introduction to the section about "values in methical ethics" in Wikipedia and answer these questions.

a) What is Medical Ethics?
b) Mention six important values in this field.
c) In this context, what is a dilemma? Does a dilemma have a good solution? Why? What is an example of a dilemma between autonomy and beneficence in Wikipedia?

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